Spicers provide a range of sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for your printing requirements.
We are committed to the development of sustainable products and services which help our customers and their clients achieve their sustainability goals.
Sustainability is integral to Spicers business strategy, ensuring we conduct everyday business in a responsible & ethical manner that considers our employees, shareholders and the environment, now and in the future.
As a leading wholesale and distributer of commercial print, labelling, signage and visual display solutions, a key sustainability focus for Spicers is to continuously improve the supply chains of its operations. This encompasses resources used in fulfilling orders, conducting day-to-day business and waste management. Spicers continues to promote responsible and sustainable business practices across the organisation, which positively impacts the Company’s operational footprint.
Spicers is committed to managing its operations to comply with applicable environmental legislation in all regions that we operate.
Our products are sourced with consideration of environmental factors; Measures to improve environmental impact, such as use of certified forest fibres, alternative renewable energy sources, reducing chemical, energy and water usage and effluent, and manufacturing products that contain recycled content, are discussed with key suppliers.
All operations are committed to maintaining ‘Chain-of-Custody’ (CoC) and other environmental certifications, such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) or Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) for sustainability sourced and manufactured papers. Over 95% of fibre-based products sourced by Spicers are either FSC® or PEFC certified.
Spicers provides a wide range of products with strong sustainability and environmental credentials, particularly recycled paper products and alternative fibre products such as cotton, hemp or bamboo.
External audits on Spicers Supply Chain processes are performed on a yearly basis by SCS Global Services (Scientific Certification Systems, Inc.) to ensure compliance with CoC and various other criteria.
Our Supply Chain team evaluate fibre-based products from suppliers to ensure they comply with the illegal logging legislation introduced by the Australian Government. Records are kept on each supplier that detail the species of tree used and the country of origin.
Our selection criteria for Paper & Board manufacturers ensures they must have an environmental management system in place that meets, or exceeds an internationally recognised standard. For non-fibre-based materials we ensure considerations are given to attributes such as compossibility, biodegradability or recyclability.
The Company’s operations include warehouses, transportation and offices. All operations take responsibility for legal compliance and the management of environmental impacts related to their business activities.
Emphasis is placed on initiatives that reduce our environmental impact, such as energy efficiency (LED lighting and Solar Panels) and waste management. Our sites collect and recycle waste paper, cardboard and other materials, such as wood, pallets, plastics, acrylic and PVC where possible.
We promote sustainable business practices across the organisation, ensuring that we conduct ourselves responsibly and ethically, and continually looking for opportunities to strengthen the sustainability of our supply chain.
We make available the latest environmental and technical information on our products to customers, staff and stakeholders through training and education. The ongoing development of sustainable products and services assist our customers and their clients achieve their sustainability goals, print and production requirements.
By thinking and acting sustainably, we strive to deliver excellent customer service and position the company and industry for a strong future.
Sustainability focuses on satisfying the needs of the present without adversely affecting conditions for future generations. The concept of sustainability includes three pillars: economic, environmental, and social – also know as profits, planet, and people.
Sustainable product design (also known as eco design) considers the environmental impacts of the entire product lifecycle – from conception to disposal. It’s focused on ensuring that natural resources are only used at the same rate as they can be replenished. Sustainable product design means better environmental outcomes and can also reduce operating costs by lowering energy consumption.
What environmental impacts should I consider?
There are environmental impacts at each stage of the product design and development process. As a product goes through these stages, energy and water are used and waste, pollutants and greenhouse emissions are created.
Raw material extraction
Extracting natural resources uses water and land, generates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and produces waste that must be disposed of.
The manufacturing process often relies on systems that use electricity, water, was and fuel to transform these raw materials, creating environmental impact.
The production of CO2 has a significant impact on the environment and is a key driver of climate change. Products distributed by road or air generally have a larger environmental impact than those transported by sea or rail.
UseDepending on the product, additional energy, fuel, water or other materials may be required for that product to achieve its function. If a product needs other products or services during its lifetime (e.g. a printer might require ink cartridges and servicing), these aspects – along with durability – must be considered in the products design.
End of life
Will the product go into landfill or be recycled at the end of its life?
By identifying the environmental impacts of a product, businesses can consider ways to reduce these impacts without compromising the product’s quality.
Sustainable product design considers:
- Source local materials to reduce transport costs and CO2 emissions
- Use natural fibres wherever possible
- Use materials and designs that enhance durability
- Consider using compostable and recyclable materials
- Redesign the product to use less raw material
- Select manufacturing partners with green credentials
- Look for ways to make the product more energy efficient during production and use
- Find ways to use offcuts and damaged stock to reduce waste
- Reduce packaging wherever possible
- Let customers know about your sustainability focus
- Get certification from environmental protection agencies
- Consider a trade-in or product recycling program
Carbon Neutral – The carbon emissions produced in a product’s full life cycle are offset through the purchase of carbon credits, which in turn offset emissions from transport, electricity use and other sources.
The environmental impact of these products has been measured ‘from cradle to grave’: a complete, independent third party life cycle assessment for products that are certified carbon neutral. Manufactured carbon neutral is when the calculated carbon footprint is restricted to the manufacturing process within the mill gates only, and does not typically include delivery to the consumer, and end of life emissions.
Spicers have embarked on our journey towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenfleet. Learn more here.
Spicers Greenfleet Offset Certificate
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC)
A non-government and non-profit organisation initiative that creates a globally recognised certification overseeing all fibre sourcing standards. This provides guarantees for the consumer that products are made of wood chips from well managed forests, other controlled sources and reclaimed material with strict environmental, economical and social standards.
FSC® Certified (licensed code FSC® C010628)
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
A non-governmental and non-profit organisation that promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third party certification and chain of custody. It is a framework for the mutual recognition of national or regional forest certification schemes. National governing bodies apply for the PEFC and the council accredit standards and ensure international principles and guidelines are adhered to.
Carbon Neutral products: