Spicers is associated with community and industry based organisations.
For further information please read below.

In 2022 Spicers embarked on our journey towards Carbon Neutrality.
Spicers Australia is offsetting CO2 emissions relating to our Australian operations. This includes emissions from LPG for our gas forklifts, the diesel used in our fleet of trucks, the fuel used in company cars (including those with car allowances) and electricity used in our offices and Distribution centres.
Whilst Spicers have taken action through solar panels on some of our sites, LED lighting upgrades and movement to more electric forklifts, we still have some work to go. We are proudto be partnering with Greenfleet to take climate action and offset our carbon emissions through native reforestation.
Greenfleet is a leading not-for-profit environmental organisation committed to protecting our climate by restoring our forests. Greenfleet plants native biodiverse forests to capture carbon emissions and help fight the impacts of climate change.
Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted over 10.8 million trees across 550+ forests in Australia and New Zealand. As they grow, Greenfleet forests absorb carbon emissions, improve soil and water quality and restore habitat for native wildlife, including many endangered species.
Spicers’ first offset was allocated to Glendalough, VIC. In the rolling hills of South Gippsland, this previously cleared 240-hectare property will be returned to native ecosystem. The property is adjacent to remnant native forest and will provide an important vegetation link for Strzelecki Koalas and habitat for native birds such as the Yellow-faced Honeyeater and Grey Fantail.
“By partnering with Greenfleet, we are confident that our climate action provides genuine and lasting environmental benefits. We are proud of the impact we have made and that we will continue to make into the future,” said David Martin, CEO of Spicers Limited. “By offsetting our emissions with Greenfleet, we are taking practical action against climate change to help to restore Australia’s forests, recreate crucial habitat for native wildlife and transform degraded land back to its natural state.”
Through practical climate action, Greenfleet is growing hope for our climate.
For more information visit
Spicers Greenfleet Offset Certificate

Club Respect
Spicers is a Proud Partner of Club Respect
Club Respect is an initiative of Victorian Women’s Trust and NIRODAH. Club Respect aims to help sporting clubs of all codes and levels to create and promote an inclusive, welcoming, and respectful culture; a new culture that leaves no room for bullying, discrimination or violence. Club Respect’s website is a comprehensive digital resource kit that empowers clubs to initiate meaningful discussion around respectful behaviour, challenge traditional thinking and encourage Right Action across their whole club community.
Imagine a community full of clubs that value respect, safety, fairness and equality; reducing violence and abuse across our wider society from the ground up.
As a partner, Spicers have undertaken to support Club Respect and Victorian Women’s Trust by:
- Promoting our partnership on the Spicers’ website
- Where possible, promoting Club Respect within our own communities
- Providing sponsorship to help facilitate the roll-out of Club Respect and the early take up by clubs of the opportunities for outreach and support
- Supplying external signage for registered Club Respect clubs around Australia

Print and Visual Communications Association
Silver Sponser

Dieman Awards
Silver Partner

Visual Connections Australia